Real Grass Porch Potty

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Is a Real Grass Porch Potty for you?Real Grass Porch Potty

Potty training your dog can be a challenging task, especially if you live in an apartment or have limited outdoor space. The good news is, there is a solution that can make this process easier and more convenient for both you and your furry friend. Enter the real grass porch potty – a natural solution for indoor potty training that mimics the outdoors.

In this article, we’ll dive deeper into the benefits of using a real grass porch potty for your dog’s potty training needs. From its natural composition to its ease of use, we’ll cover everything you need to know about this innovative solution.

Benefits of Real Grass Porch Potty

1. Natural and Comfortable

One of the biggest benefits of using a real grass porch potty is that it provides a natural and comfortable surface for your dog to do their business on. Unlike other indoor potty solutions, such as pee pads or fake grass, real grass feels and smells like the outdoors, making it a more natural and intuitive option for your furry friend.

2. Convenient and Easy to Use

Another major benefit is its convenience and ease of use. Instead of having to take your dog out for every potty break, you can simply place the porch potty on your balcony, patio, or indoor space, and let your dog do their business when they need to. This makes it a great option for apartment dwellers or those who don’t have access to a yard.

3. No Mess or Odor

Using a real grass porch potty also means you don’t have to deal with any messy or smelly cleanup. Unlike pee pads or fake grass, which can accumulate urine and odor over time, real grass naturally absorbs liquids and eliminates odors. Plus, most porch potties come with a drainage system that allows excess liquid to drain away, keeping the grass fresh and dry.

4. Better for the Environment

If you’re concerned about your carbon footprint, using a real grass porch potty is a more environmentally-friendly option than traditional pee pads or fake grass. Real grass is a renewable resource that can be sustainably grown and harvested, while pee pads and fake grass often end up in landfills.

5. Healthier for Your Dog

It can also be healthier for your dog. Pee pads and fake grass can contain harmful chemicals or irritants that can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions in some dogs. Real grass, on the other hand, is a natural and non-toxic option that won’t harm your dog’s health.

How to Choose the Right Real Grass Porch Potty

If you’re sold on the idea of using a real grass porch potty for your dog, there are a few things you should keep in mind when choosing the right one. Here are some factors to consider:

1. Size

Make sure you choose the right size for your dog. The potty should be large enough for your dog to comfortably do their business on, but not so big that it takes up too much space in your home.

2. Drainage System

Look for a good drainage system to prevent the grass from becoming waterlogged or moldy. The drainage system should be easy to clean and maintain.

3. Quality

When you’re making your choice, it’s important to select a high-quality product. Look for a porch potty that uses fresh, high-quality grass and is free from any artificial additives or chemicals. You may also want to consider purchasing from a reputable company that offers a satisfaction guarantee.

4. Subscription Service

Many real grass porch potty companies offer a subscription service that delivers fresh grass to your doorstep on a regular basis. This can be a convenient option that saves you time and ensures that your dog always has a clean and fresh potty to use.


Q: How often should I replace the grass on my porch potty?

A: The frequency at which you should replace the grass depends on a few factors. Such as the size of your dog and how often they use the potty. As a general rule, it’s recommended to replace the grass every 1-2 weeks to keep it fresh and clean.

Q: Can I use a real grass porch potty for multiple dogs?

A: Yes, you can use it for multiple dogs. However, you may need to replace the grass more frequently if you have multiple dogs using the same potty.

Q: Can I use a real grass porch potty for a puppy?

A: Yes, this is a great option for potty-training puppies. The natural feel and smell of the grass can help them understand where they should go potty.

Make the Right Choice

Overall, this is a great choice for your dog’s indoor potty needs. It’s a convenient and natural solution. And a great option that benefits both you and your furry friend. From its natural composition to its ease of use and environmental benefits, there are plenty of reasons to consider investing in a real grass porch potty. Just make sure to choose the right size, drainage system, and quality of grass for your specific needs. You’ll be well on your way to potty training success.

Click on this link to check out styles, sizes, and pricing.

Below is a video on the ease of use and benefits.

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